Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Mom or Dad?

Who do you think Elle looks like? I would say that about 80% of people say Ryan. I think I agree.

What a Christmas!

Elle had an amazing Christmas. We are blessed with the most wonderful family. I guess it was inevitable for this first grandchild on both sides to be spoiled a bit. She got tons of toys and many cute outfits. Christmas morning at Grandma Sandy's house
Great Grandpa Max
Elle's first purse and cell phone
First pair of Stewart Weitzmans

Elle is smiling so much and cooing all the time. I can't believe how big she's gotten. At her last doctor's appt she was in the 75th percentile for height and weight. We're so excited for the new year!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Our Christmas Card

I wanted to share our Christmas Card. Our photographer did an amazing job. She recommended combining our Christmas card and birth announcement. It came out better than I could have ever imagined. The card is two sided and then folded accordion style with the Happy Holidays being on the front cover.

Merry Christmas and Happy Two Months

This holiday season has been the best yet. There is nothing like a new baby to make the holidays that much more exciting. Ryan and I are so thankful to have been blessed with a healthy and happy baby. Elle is the best Christmas present we could have ever ask for. A few days late but here are Elle's 2 month pictures. She's grown so much!

and a little outfit change...
Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Baby's First Christmas

We've had a lot of people tell us that Elle looks a lot like Ryan. Ryan's mom tracked down this picture of Ryan from his first Christmas. He is about 3 months in this picture. Below is Elle at about 2 months. What do you think? I think nose and mouth for sure.

Ryan- 3 months

Elle- 2 months

Tis the Season

Ryan and I have said to each other many times that it is the perfect time of year to have a new baby around. Every thing just seems that much more fun. It's so exciting starting traditions. We've already taken her to see the lights on Thoroughbred (even though she slept the whole time). We've also already attended a few Christmas parties. It's a good thing that we have a lot of parties to go to because I think I went a little overboard on buying her Christmas outfits. How can you resist? They're so cute when they're that small. First set of pictures is at Ryan's work party:
Grandpa Kirk- aka Papa J

Santa hat courtesy of Grandma Debbie

Boots with the fur from Aunty Christina

Elle also met Santa at the Red Hill kids Brunch