Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Elle's One Year Photoshoot: Part 2

More pictures from Elle's First Birthday Shoot.

Whole shoot can be found here

Elle's One Year Photoshoot: Part 1

When Elle was born we had some amazing photographs taken of her. We decided to use the same photographer for her 1 year photos. We couldn't be happier with the results! Like so many others I am currently obsessed with Pinterest. For those of you who don't know Pinterest is a virtual pin board where you are able to get inspiration for various projects. You can find a few of my inspirations here and here

 I found this vintage high chair on Craigslist. I even made Ryan drive to Victorville to pick it up. That's true love.
 Outfit is from RuffleButts

Monday, November 14, 2011

USC Homecoming 2011

This weekend was the Homecoming game at USC. All week a huge storm was forecasted for Satuday. Every day we checked the weather and all it kept saying was rain, rain, rain. Right before we went to bed on Friday night we checked the weather one last time and it still forcasted rain all day. We decided that we would skip the game. When we woke up Saturday we looked outside and it was dry out. We checked the forecast and there was only a 10% chance of light rain for the day. WHAT!? What do these weather people know? We threw on our cardinal and gold and were out the door.  

Usually USC has someone to take pictures for you in front of Tommy. This year they were nowhere to be found. Instead you just grab the person behind you and do the "I'll take your picture if you take mine" thing. We hit the stranger jackpot when I hand the guy my Cannon EOS and I say "sorry, I brought my big camera" He tells me he has the same one and even adjusted my setting for me. He took 3 great shots for us all from different angles. So much better than the ones you usually get where it's blurry or you're head is cropped off. 
I always try to pick up an USC ornament from one of the vendors on campus for my USC christmas tree (yes, we have a 2nd tree just for my USC ornaments). Here is the one I got this year:
New USC jacket from Aunty Nan and Uncle Terry

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Elle at the Pumpkin Patch

We took Elle to the Pumpkin Patch to pick out some pumpkins for our porch. She loved it. She spent most of the time running around. 

Her sassy fur vest is courtesy of her Aunty Megan

A little video of Elle at the Pumpkin Patch.

Happy Birthday to Elle!

Our little girls turned one last weekend. This past year has just flown by. Elle is the best thing that has ever happened to us. She makes us smile and laugh, even when she's crying. She loves to babble. She says ma-ma all the time however we figured out it means hungry. Oh well, I'll take whatever I can get. She went from taking 2-3 steps to running everywhere. Elle is a great eater. She will eat almost everything but doesn't love sweets (how did that happen??) 

Elle had her 1st birthday party last weekend. We had a great time surrounded by friends and family. Elle received tons of gifts. Can someone please tell me why 90% of them make noise? Is this some sort of cruel initiation into parenthood of a toddler? Either way we are so blessed to be surrounded by so many people who love and care for Elle.

 Her cowboy boots were a little big, she really only wore them for pictures

Check out this link to see the rest of the pictures from her party:
Video of Elle's Cake Smash

Monday, September 19, 2011

USC vs Utah

Another USC football post? Yep, and I can assure you this will not be the last. Ryan took his Grandpa to the Iowa vs Iowa State football game this week so it was a girl's day. Elle met our friend's son Grant for the first time. It was the cutest thing ever. Elle was totally enamored with Grant and he kept giving Elle kisses. The two kids sat near each other in the front row and were fully entertained by all of the action going on. 

Elle kept eating all of the Ice
Elle meets Grant

Everyone to Elle, "do fight on!" She proceeds to start shaking one finger like "no, no, no". Close enough :)

so cute!