Monday, October 18, 2010

She's Here!

Well yesterday was my official due date but we were fortunate enough to be blessed with Elle's arrival on 10/15/10. Here is a rundown of last week's events. I had started my maternity leave last week and by Wednesday all of the cupboards had been organized, the diapers stacked, little outfits washed and the car seat waiting by the front door. On Thursday, 10/15, Ryan and I went to my weekly doctor's appt then went out to breakfast. Ryan dropped me off at home and he went off to work. I wasn't feeling too well so I relaxed on the couch most of the day. When Ryan got home I looked at him and told him, "this baby better come soon because I am so board and I have nothing else to do." About an hour later my water breaks. We grab our hospital bag and head out the door. We arrive at the hospital at 6pm and get settled into our room. Our parents stop by and visit for a little while. They head home and we tell them that we would call them to come back when were closer to delivery. At about 6am we are ready to start pushing. Ryan calls our parents and they head right down to the hospital. So at this time I'm thinking by 7am we should have a little baby in our arms. Well, Elle had other plans and after 3 hours of pushing she finally decided to make her debut to the world at 9:20am. She was absolutely worth all the work. She is just perfect and Ryan and I couldn't be happier. Thank you everyone for all of your love and support. We couldn't have done it with you.

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